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NC State Extension

3 Year Corn Silage (2021-23)


Company/Brand Hybrid Trait RM Dry Matter (tons/A) Milk/ton DM (lbs) Milk/acre (lbs)
Syngenta NK1748-3110 3110 117 8.4 3267 27547
Pioneer P1380Q Qrome 113 8.1 3259 26469
Syngenta NK1677-3110 3110 116 7.9 3238 25972
Pioneer P1903YHR YHR 119 7.8 3273 25185
Growmark FS6595XRIB SmartStax 115 7.6 3243 24578
Mean 8.0 3256 25950
LSD (p=0.10) ns (0.6) ns (87) 1748
DF 20 20 20
Bolded varieties are not statistically different from the highest yielding hybrid, ns = not significant